
The History Of Football

Football was Founded in 1863 in England. Football is one of  Popular sports in Europe and America. Many sources said that first football was played in china 2nd or 3rd centuries BC. The Romans and Greeks used to play for funs. In 1815 soccer is popular in universities, collages and schools. In October 1863 eleven representatives from London club and schools met the Freemason tavern to set up common rules to control the matches among themselves. FiFa was established in 1904. In 1930 different leagues operating from various countries. The first world cup held in 13th july 1930. The first world champion of Football is Uruguay. Then Every 4 years world cup was held in diiferent countries. Soccer is the most love and admire game in the historyof over 4000 years. More than 250 million people of the world play soccer regularly.

Top soccer match was held in 1953. Match between Hungary vs England. 9 Matches held between eachother England was won 3 Matches and Hungary was won 6 matches. England was defeated first time in their home ground in the history of Football. In 1970 World cup final between Brazil VS Italy was one of the most Finest match of the history of Soccer.

In Most of European countries and American countries Football is a religion.They Can't live without Football. Many Sources Says that Fifa is Father of all soccer events. Fifa organized world cup in every 4 years. Last World cup winner 2010 is Spain. 2010 soccer world cup Spain is a underdog team but they believe them self and win world cup like a Champion.First time Spain win the World cup in the history of soccer.

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